Trip To Thailand [22-25 Disember 2010]

Takbai (Narathiwat) Border, beyond this wall is Malaysia

Our first destination ; Masjid Wadi al-Husain

Masjid Wadi al-Husain ; the 300 years mosque that has thousands of memories

Grave area besides of masjid

Staircase towards muazzin tower

Can anyone translates this words?

Our official transport (Toyota Commuter) for this trip, thanks Allah for ease our journey

They called this 'kereta body'

Visit to Ibnu Affan Muslim Cooperative, Pattani

'Majlis Ilmu' at one of the masjid in Takbai

Hat Yai

Dinner jama'iey

Pondering about Allah's creation, SubahanAllah

Good Bye Thailand


My last vacation with buddy to MAHA (Malaysian Agriculture, Horticulture & Agrotourism) Expo in Serdang, Selangor. Nice experience and great journey. Thanks bro for accompany me....

Welcome to the show

Among the facility available during the expo; i'm not sure what we call this thing..

Last day expo

Local rice

Several steps face by 'them' before born as rice

Brown rice or paddy?

Bro Hafez

Note : These are original pictures without any photoshop editing

Eid al-Fitr 1430 Hijr

Big family